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Membership Dues

Thank you for paying your AFC4A Dues.  If you are unsure if you are current on your dues, please click the "Member Dues Status" tab and complete the form. Our membership chairman will get back to you shortly with the status of your dues payments. 


Membership dues are:

  • $20.00 for a one year membership

  • $40.00 for a two year membership

  • $60.00 for a three year membership


There are two ways to pay AFC4A dues:

(1) Select the “Pay Dues” button below which will take you to our PayPal Giving site.  On the PayPal Giving site, use the “Other” block to type in your contribution amount of $20, $40, or $60 corresponding to your 1, 2, or 3 year dues payment. PayPal will send you you a receipt that verifies your contribution to the AFC4A 501C(3) organization. 


 (2) You can pay by check.  Please make check payable to AFC4A, and mail to:

AFC4A Treasurer

 7911 Willfield Ct.

Fairfax Station, VA 22039

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